Coming around a bend, I see this very large monument/statue of Stupa. I was quite stunned to say the least as there's pretty much nothing but a dirt road and trees on both sides, and to one side on a little clearing, is this very bright white buddhist monument. it seemed a little out of place at first, but then it didn't. it was peaceful reading the slogans and saying which were inscribed in stone around it.
well, the last one at least. Don't try to be the fastest. goes with motorcycling and as the saying goes there, it's "ride your own ride"
I read the stones and sat around for a bit and relaxed. The more I thought about it the more it made sense to put this were it was. nothing around to distract you. I'm not one for meditation and religion and all, but if I were, this would be a perfect spot for it.

I got back on the bike and went about 100 yards further down the road which dwindled down to two ruts and was getting really narrow. I figured it was a driveway for a private residence, so i turned around and headed back to the Cabot trail.

-to be continued-
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