I went through cavendish, but it seemed more of a tourist trap and a kids type of thing. Where else can you see a replica space shuttle on the side of the road?
aking some smaller roads I wound up in a small fishing community and drove over a tiny one lane bridge to another side that had a beach and an empty pier. Of course I just had to ride the bike to the end of the pier and take a pic of the bike. It was hard to get there and back due to the really deep sand between the road and the pier, but it was only 40 feet or so of sand so I didn't think I'd have much of a problem. I didn't :)
I rode to the north east point of PEI, to another lighthouse... 3 corners of the island done so far, 1 more to go. While here I could see the ferry from Souris to Iles-de-la-madeleine in the distance and i also saw a band from the 80s. heh.
It's sad to see really. People should just stop eating fish ;)
I left Souris and headed for Georgetown. Didn't know what was there, but it sounded interesting and it looked interesting on the GPS.
Wasn't that interesting, but still nice to ride out there and explore a bit. took a little photo-op for my bike with some boats in the background on the pier.
From there I headed to Charlottetown and got a room for the night in Stratford, which is across the Charlottetown harbour. The room was nice enough and decided to go out and explore the city (town) for the capital of the province, i guess i expected a bit more. It's a nice city, but not huge by any means. Did a bit of night riding before going to bed and avoided quite a few animals then.
A group of 3 porcupines, 3 raccoons, a cat and another porcupine.
When there are that many animals in a short distance, it's time to go to bed and ride during the day.

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